C.V Title

Personal History

Name Mahin
Last Name Darabi
Office Address
Office Phone
Email Address

Educational History

MajorMinorUniversityCityCountryStart DateEnd Date
ChemistryAnalytical chemistryUniversity of Khaje NasirTehranIran19931997
ChemistryAnalytical chemistryUniversity of BoalisinaHamedanIran19982000


Conductance Study of Complexation of Ammonium and Alkylammonium Ions With Substituted Crown Ethers in Binery Some Aza-Acetonitrile-DMSc Dr. M .Hasani

Directed Supervised Theses

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Executive positions

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Membership in Professional Associations and Societies

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Approved Projects and Proposals

Title of ProjectRoleInstituteStatusTotal Date
Chemical quality of Boroujerd water Sources &Drinking water &Comparison with…InvestigatorBoroujerd Branch, Islamic Azad UniversityCompleted1500 hours
Determination of amount F ,Li ,Na ,K, Si ,Boroujerd water Sources &Drinking water &Comparison with…InvestigatorBoroujerd Branch, Islamic Azad UniversityCompleted1500 hours

Grants Received

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TitleSubjectPlace Date
Chemical quality of Boroujerd water Sources &Drinking water &Comparison with…First Regional Conference on Chemistry, Islamic Azad University, ZanjanZanjan2010
Chemical quality of Boroujerd water Sources &Drinking water &Comparison with…Thirteenth National Conference on Environmental HealthKerman2010


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Media and Software

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Courses (Educational, Training, Research and Management)

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Attending Seminars, Workshops, etc.

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Publications Books

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Publications Articles

M.Darabi,M.hasani,Conductance Study of Complexation of Ammonium and Alkylammonium Ions With Substituted CPolish J.Chem77 345-3542003
M.DarabiDetermine the physical and chemical indicators Boroujerd water Sources &Drinking water use(PCA)&FactJournal of Laboratory Medicine82----2014

Publications Articles ISI

M.Darabi,M.hasani,Conductance Study of Complexation of Ammonium and Alkylammonium Ions With Substituted CPolish J.Chem77----345-3542003