C.V Title

Personal History

Name Abdolmohammad
Last Name A. Bolouri
Office Address
Office Phone
Email Address

Educational History

MajorMinorUniversityCityCountryStart DateEnd Date
Organic Chemistry    England19871981
Organic Chemistry   England19761978
Chemistry   Iran19711975


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Directed Supervised Theses

The synthesis of benzimidazolone from salicylic acidMS----Thesis Advisor----
The synthesis of isoindoline deravativesMS----Thesis Advisor----
The synthesis of phethalimidine deravativesMS----Thesis Advisor----
Enantiomeric isolation of racemic methyl dopa by activated column chromatographyMS----Thesis Advisor----

Executive positions

PostPlaceStart DateEnd Date
Head of chemical research departmentPharmaceutical research center19832000
Head of educational officePharmaceutical research center19931996


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Membership in Professional Associations and Societies

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Approved Projects and Proposals

Title of ProjectRoleInstituteStatusTotal Date
Survey of antiseptic properties of blister beetles of the genus meloe sp.in the family of Meloida at   2000-2001
The new synthesis of benzoxazolone from salicylhydroxamic acid------------1994-1995
Halohydroxy phethalimidine as hypertension reagents from calcium channel - blocker groups------------1992-1994
Industrial preparation of more than ten generic drugs----Pharmaceutical research center----1983-2000
Industrial preparation of five tranquilizer drugsMinistry of health and medical education--------1991-1996

Grants Received

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TitleSubjectPlace Date
Sulforation of benzoxazolone by Lawesson,s reagentThe Second congress of Iranian pharmaceutical sciences Esfahan university of medical sciences1985
The hazard of chemical reagents in laboratories ; the way of prevention and confrotationThe congress of Industry and medicineQazvin university of medical sciences1991
The synthesis of phethalimidine deravativesThird Iranian seminar of organic chemistryArak university1993
The synthesis and investigation of N-acylphethalimide reationsThe second Iranian seminar of organic chemistryBabolsar University1991
The study of rearrangement in heterocyclic compoundsCongress in chemistryTarbiat Modares University1994


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Media and Software

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Courses (Educational, Training, Research and Management)

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Attending Seminars, Workshops, etc.

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Publications Books

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Publications Articles

Abdulmohammad BolouriThe new rout to the synthesis of benzoxazolone from salicylhydroxamic acidChemistry and Chemical Engeering 15 1997
Abdulmohammad BolouriIndustrial preparation of SulfamethoxazoleDarou - Darman----46----1988
Bolouri and Katritzky 1,3-Dipolar character of six – membered heteroaromatic ringsJ. Polish Chem----53----1979

Publications Articles ISI

Abdulmohammad BolouriIndustrial preparation of SulfamethoxazoleDarou - Darman----46----1988