C.V Title

Personal History

Name Saeed
Last Name Hashemi
Office Address
Office Phone
Email Address

Educational History

MajorMinorUniversityCityCountryStart DateEnd Date
VeterinaryVeterinaryShahid chamranAhvazIran13751381
ParasitologyVeterinaryIslamic Azad university Science and Resaerch BranchTehranIran13841392


Comparison of fresh serum bactericidal activity of cattle and buffaloDvmMasoud Ghorbanpor Najaf abadi
Identification of ovine Theileria spp. in vector ticks in Lorestan province by PCR Ph.DNasser Hoghooghi-Rad Mohammad Abdigodarzi

Directed Supervised Theses

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Executive positions

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Membership in Professional Associations and Societies

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Approved Projects and Proposals

Title of ProjectRoleInstituteStatusTotal Date
Survey on Seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis in Goat , sheep and Cattle in Lorestan province Slaughter InvestigatorBoroujerd----1391
Prevalence of Lungworm infection in the sheep and goat in Borujerd slaughter houseInvestigatorBoroujerd----1388
Molecular Identification of sheep sarcosyst species in Lorestan provinceInvestigatorBoroujerd----1393

Grants Received

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Media and Software

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Courses (Educational, Training, Research and Management)

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Attending Seminars, Workshops, etc.

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Publications Books

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Publications Articles

Hashemi S,Islami A,Vosogh H,Kakekhani SPrevalence of Lungworm infection in the sheep and goat in Boroujerd slaughter houseJournal of Veterinary Medicine5161-661390
Hoghooghi-Rad N,Hashemi S, Abdigoudarzi MDetection of theileria ovis in vector ticks by polymerase chain Reaction method(PCR)in Lorestan provJournal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology 7261828-18341392
Hashemi saeed Seroprevalence of Toxoplasmosis in sheep and cattle in Lorestan provinceJournal of Veterinary Clinical Pathology727221-2281392

Publications Articles ISI

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