C.V Title

Personal History

Name Fariba
Last Name Falsafi
Office Address
Office Phone
Email Address

Educational History

MajorMinorUniversityCityCountryStart DateEnd Date
Nursing----Iran University of Medical SciencesTehranIran13641369
Nursing----Iran University of Medical SciencesTehranIran13711374


Studying of amount and type of Perceived Conflicts among Nurses in Medical Surgical departments of hospitals of Iran University of Medical SciencesMScMrs. Rasady

Directed Supervised Theses

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Executive positions

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AwardPlace Awarding bodyDate
EncouragementShahid Chamran Hospital Boroujerd Head of the hospital1370

Membership in Professional Associations and Societies

Name of AssociationSite of associationPlaceStart DateEnd Date
Organization of Nursing Council of Boroujerd City----The health and treatment Network13811385

Approved Projects and Proposals

Title of ProjectRoleInstituteStatusTotal Date
Assessment of self-care in postmenopausal women residing in BoroujerdColleagueIslamic Azad University ,Boroujerd BranchCompleted1389
Frequency and Severity of Menopausal Symptoms and their Impact on Women's Quality of Life among womeColleagueIslamic Azad University, Boroujerd BranchCompleted1391

Grants Received

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TitleSubjectPlace Date
Assessment of suitable diet in prevention from complications of menopause in women living in Borouje16 IFFS 2010Germany1389
Methods of Devision of Labore in the WardSeminar in the UniversityBoroujerd1381
Classical ConditionningPatient Education ConferenceBoroujerd - Iran1383
Common Bleeding in Women of Childbearing age with Unknown CausesSeminar of Contraceptive MethodsArak - Iran1376
The effect of stress on infertility16 IFFS 2010Germany1389
Educational needs of women in relation to pregnancy and emergency contraception16 IFFS 2010Germany1389
Rights and duties of sick childrenThird International Congress on Medical rightsKish Island Iran1390
Evaluation of Parental Knowledge about MeaslesPresented in 7th World Congress of The World Society for Pediatric Infection DiseasesAustralia1390
Preventing Febrile Seizure RecurrentPresented in 7th World Congress of The World Society for Pediatric Infection DiseasesAustralia1390


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Media and Software

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Courses (Educational, Training, Research and Management)

Name Type of coursePlaceDate
Academic Paper Writing in English language16Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1384
Research Methodology32Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1384
Principles and techniques of translation32Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1384
Learning of SPSS Software24Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1384
Learning of Advanced SPSS Software24Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1386
Grammar and Conversational English.48Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1387
Planning and course design patterns24Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1388
Learning to create a blog16Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1384
Familiar with methods of producing and publishing scientific papers in journals16Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1388
Familiar with Rules and Regulations Research8Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1389
Specialized teacher training in entrepreneurship120Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1388

Attending Seminars, Workshops, etc.

Name Total DatePlaceDate
Islamic Government and Supreme Leader2Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1393
Wahhabism4Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1392
Mode of Interaction with The nahad of Supreme leader in University5Iran, Islamic Azad university, Boroujerd1392

Publications Books

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Publications Articles

Sameti, Goudarzi, FalsafiMothers Educational Needs about Etiology of Children LeukemiaInternational Journal of Nursing Care11731392
Goudarzi, Sameti, FalsafiHealthy Lifestyle among Iranian Menopausal WomenInternational Journal of Nursing Care12711392
Sameti, Goudarzi, FalsafiKnowledge about the Complication of Obesity in People and Effect of Training Booklet to Increase TheInternational Journal of Nursing Care12821392

Publications Articles ISI

Sameti, Goudarzi, FalsafiMothers Educational Needs about Etiology of Children LeukemiaInternational Journal of Nursing Care11731392