In the Name of God
Library Newsletter
One of the most important
parts in each university, which provides physical or digital scientific resources,
is its library. Having an eye on 27 years of university activities, this monthly
newsletter provides information for the scholars, researches and students. This
is the first volume of this newsletter and we welcome your scholarly comments.
Library of Islamic Azad University Boroujerd Branch: A Brief History
In 1982, Islamic Azad
University Boroujerd Branch was founded under the presidency of Hojjat Al-islam
Seyyed Davoud Fahmi in Sa'adi Street. The library was established having a very
limited number of books in 1983. In 1987 along with the construction of the central
building, a space of 50 m2 was dedicated to the library without having
any study hall. As the university developed, in 1990 an area of about 680 m2
was dedicated to the library with a book repository and a study hall for both men
and women. Along with the establishment of Imam Khomeni Campus in 2002, a part of
the library was moved to the new building and later another new building with the
area of 3450 m2 was constructed in 2007. It was named in memory of Hojjat
Al-islam Seyyed Davoud Fahmi.
Needless to thank
those who contributed a lot in developing the library, especially Dr. Mohammad Taghi
Goudarzi, Dr. Khatami, Dr. Mohsen Hamidi, and others.
At the present time,
Islamic Azad University Boroujerd Branch has two libraries:
The library of Basic Sciences College (Pirapezeshki) having 28215 volumes of books
and 68 magazines.
The library of Imam Khomeini Campus, (including 59719 volumes of Persian books,
9100 volumes of English books, 2252 Persian theses, 40 English theses and 4988 E-books),
consists of the followings:
2.1. Head of the Library:
The head of the library
manages, organizes, controls and monitors all parts of the library and their activities.
He is in charge of the documentary contacts such as checking and running all parts,
inside and outside the library, and attending the book exhibitions.
2.2. Display Area:
Display area is located
in the basement of the library building with the area of 600 m2.
The books in this part are not references and are used in a closed system (a
system in which the students are not allowed to enter the library Halls and they
can order the books). The system is arranged based on the Library of Congress. The
ordered books for both women and men are provided via computer printing and they
are sent by an elevator to the reading area in order to be used by the students.
Moreover, the books returned by the students are settled in the same process to
be placed in their proper shelves.
2.3. Front and Check-out
Desk and Reading Area:
These parts are divided
into two sections: The Male Front and Check-out Desk and Reading Area which are
located in the first floor and for women they are located in the second floor. The
parts are totally mechanized and all the information about the users are written
on their membership cards and filed in the computers. All related searches are done
via computers through Pars Azarakhsh Software.
2.4. Search Collections Services
for Library:
Personal search:
Every student can go to the library and use the computers to search for the materials,
then send his/her request to the Display Area to be prepared.
Online search:
In this way, the student is to google the address, search the books
needed, and see whether the book is on the loan process or not.
2.5. Technical and Indexing
The technical and
indexing section is located in the first floor. The process of preparing, categorizing
and registering of books are done in this part. The system is arranged based on
Anglo-American system and Library of Congress. The procedure of indexing is done
via computers and through Pars Azarakhsh Software by using National Library for
2.6. References Section:
This section is located
in the first floor. It contains dictionaries, encyclopaedias, atlases, pamphlets,
maps and so on. The system is open and based on Congress system of American Library.
Moreover, along with national and international magazines, the students’ theses
are kept in this section.
2.7. Digital Library:
It is located in the
second floor having 18 computers for professors and MA(S) students. It services
the researchers by their IP Addresses without passwords. Moreover, it determines
the passwords and usernames for the professors to use the library outside the university.
It contains many valuable magazines and journals in cooperation with international
and national publishers. The section contains educational CDs which can be extracted
and unzipped via library computers. In this section there is also the software of
Text View which contains speeches, journals, and critical meetings around the
country in PDF format.
2.8. SAMA Electronic Library:
It is a kind of library
in which information are saved in data form instead of printed papers. The users
are only the professors and MA students of Islamic Azad University, Boroujerd Branch.
As far as the classes for MA students are during the last days of week they cannot physically
borrow books, instead they can use this electronic library. In this kind of library,
time and place have got no meaning. The information can be used during night and
day and all hours of the week everywhere. The electronic library started its work
since May, 2011.